
Complementary Feeding Essential For Children’s Health

Kenya needs to urgently scale up its efforts to improve complementary feeding to meet its own targets as well as the global standards, new research reveals.

Complementary feeding is the practice of providing infants and young children with a variety…


Governor Launches Construction Of 250km County Roads

Nyamira county Governor Amos Nyaribo has initiated the construction of 250 kilometers of murram roads to enhance road network systems and improve transportation in the area.

Nyaribo confirmed that the county government has allocated Sh250 million fo…


Industrial Park Bring Back Life To Sagana Town

Sagana, a renowned rural town in Kenya, is known for its historical role as an industrial hub and inspiration for the rhumba song ‘Afro Mtoto wa Sagana.’

Located in Kirinyaga County, the small old town sits snuggly along Kenya’s longest river, the T…


Cases Of Sexual Abuse On A Worrying Trend In Vihiga

Defilement is the most reported offence followed by burglary and mugging, in Mbale town and its environs in Vihiga County.

Vihiga Sub-county Police Commander (SCPC), Joseph Muturi, said hardly a week passes without a defilement case, being filed at …