
Health Officers Trained On Waste Management

The County government of Nakuru is in the process of training officers on healthcare waste management and infection prevention control to prevent embarrassing and illegal dumping of such waste due to their highly transmittable capacities.

The Infecti…


New Mother And Baby Unit Launched In Kerio Valley

The foundation stone for a new 26-bed Mother and Baby unit at Tot Sub County Hospital has been laid. The facility, located in Endo Ward, Marakwet East Sub-County, is set to transform maternal and neonatal healthcare in the region.

Elgeyo Marakwet Cou…


Government Asked To Allocate More Funds To Special Schools

Tharaka Nithi Women Representative, Susan Ngugi has asked both the national and county governments to consider allocating more funds to special schools in their annual budgets.

According to her, such institutions especially in her county had been neg…


Nationwide Wide Internet Connectivity Will Be Achieved By 2026

The government has reduced its planned timeline for the delivery of internet connectivity to all parts of the country by a year.

This was revealed by ICT and digital Economy Cabinet Secretary Mr Eliud Owalo who said the delivery of internet connectiv…