
700 Trees Planted In Lodwar During Launch Of Tree Growing Campaign

A total of 700 trees were planted in Lodwar on Wednesday during the launch of long rains tree growing campaign that will climax with planting of more trees by interior and National Administration cabinet secretary Kithure Kindiki who is expected in the county on Friday.

Turkana County commissioner Julius Kavita led officials from Kenya defence forces, Kenya forest service, Kenya prison service, county government among others at Lodwar girls’ primary school in the exercise.

Kavita said the exercise was in line with the president’s agenda of growing 15 billion trees by 2032.

‘We have planted 700 tree seedlings today but the big day will be on Friday 10th when the cabinet secretary for interior Prof Kithure Kindiki is expected to come to Turkana County and lead in planting of more trees,’ he said.

He emphasised the need to nurture the trees to maturity saying each tree planted has been assigned a student to ensure it grows to maturity.

The CC said the school was chosen because it was well secured and has a
source of water however, he noted that trees will also be planted in other parts of Lodwar town.

County forest conservator Richard Guya said the tree planting campaign aims at mitigating effects of climate change.

‘We are emphasising on growing and conserving trees from destruction as opposed to just planting trees because that is the only way the community will benefit from the trees planted,’ said Guya.

He said the current Turkana County tree cover is 10.8 percent and the government and its partners are yearning to achieve 30 percent tree cover by 2032.

The conservator divulged that county has a stock of 300,000 seedlings in various tree nurseries across the county.

In the same vein he advised charcoal traders to explore other trades like bee keeping which do not destroy the forests.

Lodwar girls head teacher Veronicah Ogoti said she targets to grow 2, 000 trees and lauded the long rains tree growing campaigns for enabling the planting of 700 trees.

She said she needed equipment like water pans and w
ater storage facilities and asked partners to help her ensure the programme is sustainable.

On his part, County prison commander George Odhiambo said planting trees is everyone’s initiative and called on all Kenyans to join the noble initiative.

He said prison officers would support the school to ensure trees grow whenever called upon.

County director of natural resources Clement Nadio said Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has identified sustainable natural resources management as Agenda number six in a nine-point development agenda, noting that greening the county would make the realisation of the agenda possible.

He added that another programme to increase tree cover is establishment of 10 tree nurseries across the county.

‘The county has allocated at least 2 percent of its annual budget towards climate change and adaptation initiatives. Next financial year there are plans to set up a 10 acre-belt to plant trees in Loima which will be extended to other sub counties,’ Nadio said.

The county government will
also transplant 10 million tree seedlings every financial year, he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency