Anglophone Problem: Simon Munzu says late Owona failed as statesmanEthio-Somaliland MoU Response to Long Time Question: Ethiopian Youth Federation

The former UN diplomat sent his condolence to the family of Professor Joseph Owona, a Constitutional expert who was part of Cameroon’s 1996 constitutional amendment.

The former Education Minister and President of the Fecafoot Normalisation Committee, died in France on Sunday.

His role during the early days of the Anglophone problem has been questioned with Simon Munzu, arguing that the former could have played a huge role in favour of the people of the North West and South West regions.

‘In his public career, Owona had many opportunities to speak truth to power and help to steer Cameroon to safer shores but chose the path of immediate gratification and the role of the Biya regime’s apologist-in-chief. He was the high priest of the ‘Essingan’ facing the ‘Laakam’, two ethnocentric organizations headed by ethnocentric intellectuals.’ Munzu said in a post.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

The historic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland has responded to Ethiopia’s long time question, according to the Ethiopian Youth Federation.

Briefing the media in connection with the Ethio-Somaliland MoU signed recently, Office Head of the Federation Mehadin Nasir said the agreement shows Ethiopia’s commitment to achieving its ambitions through cooperation, give and take, and peaceful means.

The agreement has created opportunity to heal the long time quest of Ethiopians, he said, adding that it is a historic event that will make all Ethiopians happy.

The agreement also responds to the long-term economic demand of the Ethiopian youth in a manner that ensures mutual benefit, which has great benefits for the development and prosperity of the Horn of Africa as well, Mehadin noted.

According to him, the Ethiopian youth are ready to contribute their part for the implementation of the agreement.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Partnership and Cooperation signed b
y Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Muse Bihi Abdi in Addis Ababa on January 1, 2024 includes wide scopes of cooperation in social, economic, political and military fields.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency