
Bamenda-based taximan’s eyes gouged out after kidnap by gunmen

By Hans Ngala

Tatah Gaston is a taxi driver based in Bamenda, NWR who had fled from his hometown of Kumbo about 2 hours’ drive from Bamenda.

A few weeks ago, he was kidnapped from Mobile Nkwen, Bamenda as he was loading passengers into his taxi at about 6:30PM and taken into the bush by armed gunmen.

‘I still have no idea if they were Amba ( those fighting for independence) or just thieves who wanted some money but they demanded that I should give them all my money and I gave them the 35, 000Frs I had worked for that day’ Tatah says.

‘I was in the bush where they took me for hours and when I asked them what I had done, what of them hit my left eye with the butt of a rifle and burst it. I now have just one eye’ he told CNA.

Tatah will now have to get an artificial eye and has already started contemplating whether to leave Bamenda.

He says he is not sure who did this to him and why but says he has no problems with anyone and only wishes to live his life in peace as he wants no problems with anyone.

He h
as already undergone a lot of mental and physical trauma.

Source: Cameroon News Agency