
Bomet Food Store To Enhance Access To Markets

Post-harvest losses normally encountered by farmers in Bomet County will be a thing of the past following the planned establishment of aggregation food centre.

The aggregation centre, which is basically a modern food store, is set to be located at Mogogosiek town, Konoin Sub County, where farmers from Bomet will store their farm produce before shipment.

According to Konoin Member of Parliament Brighton Yegon, plans for the construction of the store were at an advanced stage saying officers from the Agriculture ministry were already in possession of particulars and were awaiting designs and measurements from the Public Works Department.

Yegon said this in Mogogosiek yesterday during a public participation exercise that saw agreement on specifics such as the location and management of the food centre.

He said the project will cost Sh50 million and will comprise dryers, freezers, coolers and delivery trucks among other essential machines to ensure farm produce is well preserved.

The MP said preserving food would not only improve food safety but also enable buyers to access farm produce in a reliable and convenient way.

The legislator added that the project would be expanded to integrate a value addition facility that would ensure that farmers not only enjoy collective marketing but also ensure improved market prices for food crops.

Source: Kenya News Agency