
Book That Chronicles Addis Weg’s Series of Dialogue Forums Inaugurated

A book that chronicled the “Addis Weg” series of dialogue forums hosted by the Office of the Prime Minister over the past five years inaugurated today.

It is to be recalled that Office of the Prime Minister has been hosting ‘Addis Weg’ discussion forum for the past few years.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister’s Social Affairs Adviser Deacon Daniel Kibret, Planning and Development Minister Fitsum Assefa and other senior government officials, academics and invited guests.

On the occasion, the platforms of the ‘Addis Weg’ and its five years journey has been explored.

Billene Seyoum, Head of Press Secretariat at the Office of the Prime Minister, reviewed the five years journey of the dialogue forum in terms of selection of agenda and participants.

Minister of Plan and Development, Fistum Assefa said Addis Weg dialogue forum has been serving as vital input for designing policies.

The premier’s Social Affairs Adviser Deacon Daniel Kibret for his part stated that Addis Weg dialogue f
orum has helped to enhancing the culture of dialogue in the country.

The book, published by the Prime Minister’s Office, is composed of 234 pages with five chapters that provide an in-depth views and extensive analysis of the issues discussed at the forums.

Office of the Prime Minister announced a new dialogue forum to be held under the title “Kignit’ revealing the completion of Addis Weg dialogue forum.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency