
Businesses In Kikuyu Struggling As Festivities End

Traders in Kikuyu, Kiambu, County have expressed concerns over significantly lower sales in their businesses compared to the vibrancy, during the holiday season.

As the festive season fades away, the business scenario paints a somber picture, with traders expressing concerns from low uptake of products.

A spot check by KNA in Kikuyu area, various local business owners, said that the aftermath of the festive season, has left so many struggling with a noticeable fall in sales from retail outlets to eateries and low consumer spending.

‘Local markets, usually bursting with activities, are quieter even as traders struggle to attract customers,’ John Kamau, a fruit vendor told KNA, adding that during the festive season, people were buying fruits in bulk for celebrations, but now it is a struggle to sell even a portion of my fruits.

Another trader who runs a boutique in the heart of Kikuyu town, told KNA ‘the holiday season brought joy, but it seems to have taken away our customers too. January is proving to be
a challenging month for us with sales going low compared to the festive season peak.’

Restaurant owners also voiced their disappointment, citing a decline in sales, saying during festivities they hosted families.

The festivities brought families and friends together, resulting in busy days for us, however, the post-holiday period has seen a sharp decrease in customers,’ expressed Martha Kamau, owner of a popular eatery.

The month of January is normally on record as a difficult one with factors including school fees payments and accommodation of new year’s resolutions, that most touch on finances influencing consumer spending patterns, as consumers minimize their expenditures after holiday season.

Most traders opine and hope that things will get back to normalcy, once schools have reopened and consumers settle.

Source: Kenya News Agency