
How betting craze is catching up in rural areas

Betting is growing in leaps and bounds in Kenya, embedding itself deeply into the drill of everyday life of thousands of its fans. A recent study from GeoPoll,(a mobile surveying platform) paints a shocking picture where 83.9 percent of Kenyans have at least tried betting and 3 out 4 people are doing so on a […]


Meru County hosts three-day Participatory Scenario Planning workshop for October-December rainy season

Meru County has kicked off a three-day participatory Scenario Planning Worksop which is majorly meant to guide farmers during the upcoming October-December rainy season. The workshop is organised by the Kenya Meteorological Department with the sponsorship of SNV, a not-for-profit international development organisation founded in the Netherlands nearly 50 years ago, through Climate Resilient Agribusiness […]


Jomvu MP promise to solicit Sh800M for construction of access roads

Jomvu Member of Parliament Badi Twalib has assured residents in informal settlements in the constituency of his commitment to lobby for funds to construct access roads. MP Twalib said during an inspection of roads and drainage works in Owino Uhuru village tucked between factories. He vowed to put his best foot forward and look for […]


Collaborative peace efforts yield promising results in Kerio Valley

A series of community-led peace initiatives in the Kerio Valley, which straddles the borders of Elgeyo Marakwet West Pokot and Baringo counties, is showing promising results. This success comes after concerted efforts by Midrift Hurinet, with support from the Embassy of Denmark in Kenya and Somalia through Act Change Transform initiative. The region has faced […]


Sony Sugar embarks on Ksh 400 million maintenance to restore full production

The Awendo- based South Nyanza (Sony) Sugar Company is set for a major maintenance operation aimed at restoring the plant’s ability to mill at full capacity. The maintenance which is scheduled to start in mid-October to late November this year will require at least Sh.400 million for maintenance operations to boost the factory’s ability to […]


Government to take significant steps to phase out Ozone-Depleting Substances

The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry on Monday marked the World Ozone Day for the year 2024 celebrations, focusing on discussing priorities of climate action initiatives in Kenya. The annual event themed ‘Montreal Protocol Advancing Climate Action’ captures the broader environmental impact of the historic agreement, signed over 35 years ago and has […]