
CJ Koome calls for Renewed Action to Create a Safe Work Environment for All

Chief Justice (CJ) Martha Koome has called for renewed collective action to achieve a work environment that is free from violence and harassment. The CJ acknowledged that this responsibility rests not with the courts alone, but also employers, trade unions, policy makers, and civil society, who must work together to forge partnerships, build stronger institutions […]


EPRA launches the 2024 Energy Benchmarking Report

The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has held its energy benchmarking engagement meeting to analyze the performance of various fields of production in the economic sector as well as improve energy efficiency standards in Kenya. Speaking during the launch in Nairobi, the Manager for Energy Efficiency Mr. Ronald Keter revealed that the workshop targeted […]


Wajir County prepares for major Pastoralist Leadership Summit

Wajir County is gearing up to host the Pastoralist Leadership Summit (PLS), slated for November 28th to 30th 2024. The summit is expected to attract over 450 delegates, including all 14 governors from the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) counties and county assembly leaders. The summit marks a pivotal moment for pastoralist communities, as leaders […]


Resident urged to embrace Maisha Card Initiative

Residents of Busia County have been urged to embrace the government initiative of a new identification cards, maisha card. Speaking during a public engagement forum at Nang’oma location in Busia Sub County, Busia County Commissioner Mwachaunga Chaunga said the government will ensure the safety of its citizen’s data. ‘Maisha number will be issued during birth […]


Judiciary condemns withdrawal of Justice Lawrence Mugambi’s security detail by NPS

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has condemned the withdrawal of the security detail of Justice Lawrence Mugambi by the National Police Service (NPS). The JSC notes that this action is of grave concern and that it not only undermines judicial independence but also threatens the core principles of the rule of law and constitutionalism of […]


How betting craze is catching up in rural areas

Betting is growing in leaps and bounds in Kenya, embedding itself deeply into the drill of everyday life of thousands of its fans. A recent study from GeoPoll,(a mobile surveying platform) paints a shocking picture where 83.9 percent of Kenyans have at least tried betting and 3 out 4 people are doing so on a […]