Former Truck Driver Flourishes In Custard Apple Farming

Fredrick Kinyanjui quit his career as a long-distance truck driver after more than two decades to concentrate on farming at his expansive farm in Kamahuha Murang’a County.Inspired by his now late father, who he tells KNA raised him and his siblings us…


Makueni Residents Benefit From Free Neurosurgical Medical Camp

Hundreds of Makueni residents have benefited from a free Neurosurgical medical camp organised by the county government in partnership with the Brain Tumour Association of Kenya (BTAK) and the University of Nairobi (UON).The three days free medical cam…


Sustainable Management, Utilization of Biodiversity Crucial for Meeting Africa Goal of Agenda 2063: AU Commissioner

Sustainable management and utilization of biodiversity is a crucial step for Africa in order to realize the seventh goal of Agenda 2063, AU Commissioner Albert Muchanga said.In his speech at the conclusion of the AU, Caribbean and Pacific High-level Co…


Cholera Cases Rise To 120 In Siaya

Cholera cases reported in Siaya have hit 120, with both governor James Orengo and the area county commissioner, Jim Njoka, urging the area residents to support efforts to contain the deadly disease through the observation of proper hygiene.Speaking se…