
Committee To Monitor Tree Planting Exercise Launched In Trans Nzoia

A committee to spearhead and monitor tree planting activities in Trans Nzoia County has been officially launched.

Speaking during the inauguration of the committee at the County headquarters, Trans Nzoia County Commissioner Gideon Oyagi said there was need to document all the tree planting activities in the region, explaining that this would be a crucial element to ensure the county target of planting 11.9 million trees is achieved before the end of the year.

As he rallied for cooperation of all stakeholders, Oyagi reminded that the responsibility of environmental conservation should not be squarely left to the government but it should be embraced by all Kenyans.

‘Any impact on the environment affects all of us, therefore I don’t see why matters environmental conservation should be left to the government alone. It should be a duty of each and every Kenyan. We urge the public to take a front seat to ensure the effects of climate change won’t cause more havoc,’ he reminded.

The CC reminded government office
rs to be realistic and honest when documenting and reporting services delivered to avoid duplication.

The constituted committee comprises of Heads of Departments, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) and private partners.

Immediately after being launched, the committee put in place a series of continuous tree planting activities to help ensure achievement of the 11.9 million county target.

Some of the strategies rolled out require each and every government agency or department to outline a day, place and number of trees they would facilitate to plant.

Deputy County Commissioner Nicholas Kijuba said there should be synergy and deliberate plans to drive forward the national 15 billion tree planting initiative.

He challenged the public and all stakeholders to ensure that the planted trees are protected for posterity, to avoid the efforts and resources being put in place going to waste.

Addressing the Committee, Trans County Forester Eli Tinda revealed that out of the 11.9
million County target, the initiative has so far seen 2.8 million trees being planted.

Tinda said the county has enough tree seedlings to help achieve the intended target as he singled out mobilization as the only challenge.

‘The County has a total of 81 tree nurseries out of which 56 are private and the rest are public. The public nurseries have about 1,645,000 seedlings whereas the private nurseries have 3, 748, 000,’ he said.

One Acre Fund representative Henry Wanjala revealed that 2,152,934 seedlings of different tree species are in their nurseries across the county, where each seedling goes at five shillings.

Source: Kenya News Agency