
Company Donates Food To 40,000 Needy Families

Bulk Stream Limited in partnership with Jaffery Foundation has launched a countrywide distribution of food packs targeting 40,000 needy families during the holy month of Ramadhan.

The move will complement government efforts being spearheaded by Principal Secretary for ASALs and Regional Development Kello Harsama who distributed food stuffs worth Sh124.5 million to needy Muslim families in Marsabit, Garissa, Mandera, Wajir, Mombasa, Lamu, Nakuru, Baringo, Isiolo, Kitui, Nyeri, Uasin Gishu, Kakamega, Machakos, Taita Taveta, Kwale, Kilifi, and Nairobi.

Bulk Stream food packs comprise staple food items like wheat, maize flour, rice, beans sugar, porridge, salt, tea leaves, dates and cooking oil will provide a one-month nutritious need.

The donations will be distributed in all the coastal counties including the drought and flood-ravaged Tana River which is still reeling from the adverse effects of the disasters.

The food donation is a relief to thousands of vulnerable families amid the hard economic times occa
sioned by a myriad of external factors leading to a surge in the prices of basic commodities in the count

‘We are hoping and praying that this humble gesture will go a long way to alleviate and cushion many needy Kenyans during these tough economic times,’ said Solomon Ondego, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Bulk Stream Limited in Mombasa.

Ondego exhorted other organizations and individuals to support vulnerable Kenyans during the holy month of Ramadhan where Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. ‘It is only when we do collectively together we will make a change’

Yusuf Jiwa from the Jaffery Foundation said the food donation is an annual event in the foundation calendar aiming to provide essential food to economically challenged families.

‘This not only helps lessen the financial burden on these families but also serves as a reminder of the importance of spreading kindness and generosity,’ said Jiwa, reiterating that economic hardships make it difficult for families to meet their basic needs

He added th
at the Ramadhan food distribution program significantly impacts the lives of those in need by ensuring that they have food on their tables. It also brings hope and relief during the month of reflection, gratitude and generosity.

Jiwa noted that they not only fulfil moral duties as donors but also spread love, compassion, and unity. He appealed to other organizations to embrace the spirit of giving and serving humanity selflessly to embody the true essence of Ramadhan.

Source: Kenya News Agency