
Contractor Disrupts Kapsowar Water Supply

An acute water shortage has hit Kapsowar after the pipes supplying the town were disconnected to pave way for road construction in the area.

Residents have since been grappling with the scarcity of the basic commodity crisis that has persisted for over a month after the Cherangany Marakwet Water and Sanitation Company (CHEMAWASCO) to temporarily remove their pipes, exacerbating the water crisis.

The road construction was aimed at improving infrastructure and connectivity in Kapsowar, which has inadvertently led to an unforeseen consequence – a disruption in the water supply to the local population.

CHEMAWASCO, responsible for water distribution in the region, had no choice but to pull out their pipes due to the construction activities taking place. This halt in water circulation has created a significant hardship for the residents.

Speaking to the Kenya News Agency (KNA), Mr. Alfred Cheboswony, the scheme manager at CHEMAWASCO expressed the company’s helplessness in the face of this challenge.

He acknowledged that their ability to address the water scarcity issue directly is limited, as they are reliant on the road construction contractor to expedite the work. Once the construction is advanced enough, CHEMAWASCO will be able to lay back its pipes and restore the normal water supply.

The scheme manager conveyed his optimism that the situation would improve soon. He anticipated that by the end of the week, water supply to the affected households would be resumed. However, he also emphasized the need for cooperation between all stakeholders involved in the road construction project to ensure that the disruption to essential services is minimized in the future.

Local residents have been coping with the scarcity in various ways, including rationing water and seeking alternative sources. The situation highlights the delicate balance between developmental projects and the well-being of the population they serve.

Local authorities have called for understanding among the affected residents as the road construction progresses. They have assured the community that all necessary measures are being taken to expedite the project without compromising the quality of work.

They have also advised residents to continue conserving water and using it sparingly until the situation is fully resolved. Meanwhile, the road construction project continues to be a focal point of attention as efforts are intensified to ensure its timely completion, bringing relief to both the water company and the residents of Kapsowar town.

Source: Kenya News Agency