
Dark underpasses becoming a nuisance for Kinoo residents

Kinoo residents have called on Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi to fast track the lighting up of streets in Kiambu County and specifically the various underpass roads in Kinoo area due to insecurity.

The residents have asked the Governor to specifically address some few underpasses in Kinoo area that have now left many residents and even small-scale traders fear for their lives as they close up their businesses in the evening.

Bursting with activity during the day, Kinoo, a lively market town along Waiyaki falls to near dead-silence when night comes and except from a few open night clubs, the odd hawker who braves the night to try and earn a living has seen the once bright area turned into a scary place unlike the day which is usually full of life and activity

This is starting to become the new normal around according to Sylvia Kamau, a baker who has been frequenting Kinoo to shop for accessories to use in her baking business.

She told KNA that after suffering a nightmarish ordeal recently where two thie
ves robbed her off her phone and Sh5000 at knife point, she now only shops during the day but also in fear.

‘I had just come from Gitaru to buy a few things for my baking business when two young men, one had a knife, accosted me and demanded for my phone and bag which I surrendered immediately. It was just a little over 8pm,’ she says, puzzled that this happened to her in the early hours of the night.

She says the dark underpasses along Kinoo Town have become notorious for harboring idlers who in turn resort to petty criminal behaviour and has urged the Kiambu County Government to consider installing streetlights in and around the underpasses to improve security.

In September 2024 Kiambu County Governor Kimani Wamatangi launched an ambitious solar powered street lighting project aimed at enhancing security operations within the county and Sylvia hopes to see it reach Kinoo area sooner rather than later.

During the launch, the governor said that safety of Citizens was key to development in our county, Ms K
amau said and asking him to fastrack the street and floodlights installed in the area as this will be able to flash out the criminals preying on innocent people and passersby.

The County Government should ensure that all citizens, investors and visitors in the County are safe and we are asking our able governor to please come and assist us in Kinoo’, she pleaded

Her case is not an isolated one as one James Njagi, a small businessman in Kangemi also says because of the many run ins he has had with thieves he can no longer walk to his house past 10pm and has to take a boda-boda home.

‘I know the area very well, not less than two months ago i was attacked but managed to escape, many youths are jobless and chew miraa: (a popular drug in the area) during the day and resort to phone snatching and petty thefts to fund their lifestyles in the night so I prefer to stay safe,’ James reaffirms.

A police officer attached to Kabete police station who remained anonymous says there’s only so much they can do as far as i
nsecurity is concerned.

‘We carry out security patrols to ensure people are safe, we do this on a daily basis and when we hear of such cases we try to intervene and disrupt these criminal activities

He acknowledged and recommended that going forward underpasses around Kabete-Kinoo through to Kiambaa area be fitted with streetlights to deter those with criminal intent even as they continue to patrol the areas.

Source: Kenya News Agency