
DCC urges parents to ensure children attend schools without fail

Owing to the high number of reported cases of students missing school in Murang’a South, the Deputy County Commissioner has called on parents to ensure that their children do not miss school as doing so negatively impacts on their performance.

Speaking during Gitonga Murungi the Mashujaa day celebrations at Mangoto primary school he called on all stakeholders to support the education agenda so as to improve the performance as education is the only common equalizer.

He reiterated that every child has a right to quality education and maximum school time and thus cooperation between the parents and teachers is paramount

‘You often will meet school going children on a normal school day loitering around and when you enquire, they say they have been chased away to collect lunch money’ he noted.

‘This is not acceptable so I urge you as parents to cooperate with the teachers, if you have an agreement to support the lunch program, ensure that you meet the agreement on your end’.

He noted that even if the child s
tays home, they will still feed so it si easier to contribute to the lunch program and keep the child in school.

Murungi also called on the public to join hands in fighting illicit brews and substance abuse that are detrimental to the well-being of the children and those in contact with them.

‘In the whole sub county, this Kangangu area is the most underdeveloped and majorly it’s because of these vices and we are taking that very seriously and with the help of the NGAO we will make notable strides in improving the social economic sphere in this area’ he said adding that,

‘Pass that information to us and we will act accordingly because the people who are destroying our children are known to you and live amongst you and for us to succeed, we need your help’ he added

At the same time, the DCC warned the public against theft of farm produce and especially trespassing into the neighboring Delmonte and Kakuzi firms which is rampant in the area.

‘Please get meaningful way of surviving because stealing will not
take you anywhere,’

‘Parents talk to your children,tell them the dangers of starling and lead by example because if they are caught stealing pineapples or avocados, they will have to face a court of law and suffer the consequences of those actions. ‘he said

Echoing similar, the Sub County Children’s Officer Evelyne Miringu noted that the department was working hand in hand with the local administration to ensure that no child is left behind in matters education.

She noted that the area NGAO has been very instrumental ensuring children attend school without fail.

‘Last month we received a report of a parent that had noted taken her children to school yet they were of age, and we got to the root cause of the issue and as we speak, the children are already in school’ she said.

Miringu urged parents to take care of their children and ensure they get all the basic needs so as to discourage truancy and getting into antisocial behaviours.

Source: Kenya News Agency