
Disaster Management Committee Identifies Strategies To Curb Flood Impacts

The Uasin Gishu County Disaster Management Committee has outlined key strategies to avert emergencies caused by floods across various parts of the county.

The Committee co-chaired by the two levels of government and other stakeholders like Kenya Red Cross held a sitting at the County Chambers, Eldoret, Uasin Gishu, on Friday morning to identify affected dams across the county in order to prevent damage to lives and property.

Speaking during a press briefing, Governor Jonathan Chelilim indicated that on Monday the county received flash floods in the area of Cheptiret, Kipchamo ward which displaced 72 households and property.

‘The County government together with the National government and other agencies is steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding the county from the potential impacts of the floods,’ added the Governor.

He pointed out that the county is undertaking a series of proactive measures in collaboration with a multi-agency disaster preparedness team in response to the increasing risks posed by
increasing weather events and climate.

Dr Chelilim revealed that the committee formed other 6 sub committees to who were sent across the 6 sub counties of Moiben, Ainabkoi, Kapseret, Kesses, Soy and Turbo to conduct a comprehensive survey to map out rivers, dams and river embankments at risk of bursting or overflowing during the heavy ongoing rains.

‘The County has 278 dams and water pans, 28 have been identified which require immediate attention. Action plans on these dams include opening of spillways, expanding of existing spillways, opening and expanding of downstream drains, improving foot bridges on the identified dams,’ said the Governor.

Additionally, the county is also opening up clogged drainages at the Eldoret CBD, informal settlements and other identified areas across the county while at the same time working with educational institutions to identify school infrastructure affected by the floods before opening of schools.

He called on residents and parents to exercise caution and accompany schoo
l going children to and from school, while assisting them to cross streams and rivers and for possible protection in case of floods on the way.

‘We urge Schools not to release children during heavy rains and raising awareness to the members of the public through the support of the Kenya Red Cross, media and, the National Government Administrative Officers (NGAOs), churches and faith-based organizations on the risks posed by floods,’ noted Dr Chelilim

The county disaster management and response team have been put on high alert in case of an emergency and residents are urged to report through 0710646464 or dial 1199 for prompt action in case of an emergency.

Deputy Governor Eng John Barorot confirmed that they have deployed various machines including bulldozers, excavators and others with a budget covering 30,000 litres of fuel to strategic high-risk areas in order to ensure drainages are clear to allow flood water flowing without overflowing to the neighbourhoods causing further possible eventualities.

nty Commissioner Dr Eddyson Nyale affirmed the preparedness by the county multi agency on disaster management to ensure the ongoing floods do not pose threat to lives and property.

He called on the members of the community living around and blocking waterways to consider moving early to safer places before disaster strikes.

The CC acknowledged the role played by the media in terms of reporting incidents and educating the public on the risk of floods.

‘To the residents let us avoid floods, do not try water, it has its own strength, it has its own path, just avoid it by living 30 square meters away from the waters,’ noted Dr Nyale.

In his remarks Oscar Okumu North Rift Regional Coordinator for Kenya Redcross pointed out that the current situation requires quick action in order to prevent the risks posed by heavy downpour in the region.

He underscored that they are working together with the national, county government and other agencies to ensure preparedness and quick response in case of an emergency.

have activated our national warehouse to reposition its operations in Eldoret town just in case of eventualities. We have instructed all our ambulance volunteers to reach out to all communities living downstream in the need of moving to safer grounds,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency