
Elders Call For Tolerance

The Luo Council of Elders has called for political tolerance among politicians in Nyanza region.

The elders led by the Council Chairman Nyandiko Ongadi expressed concerns that the region had been hit by a wave of politically instigated violence and intolerance.

Addressing the press in Kendu Bay town Tuesday, the elders called for sobriety amongst the political class and their supporters.

Nyandiko condemned the recent cases of political violence in the neighboring Migori County where two people were injured during a funeral.

The violence occurred at Ropogi village in Uriri Constituency after people believed to be supporters of Governor Ochillo Ayacko clashed with those of the area MP Mark Nyamita.

In Homa Bay County, Evans Okoda who was providing security to some politicians was recently killed in Oyugis town under mysterious circumstances.

Nyandiko said the political intolerance in the region must be brought to an end and told

Political leaders in the region to accommodate one another’s dissenting opin

‘We are concerned with the increasing political intolerance leading to violence in the Nyanza region. I urge everybody to accommodate another’s dissenting opinions,’ Ongadi said.

The Chairman said differences in political ideologies or affiliation to a political party should not lead to fights.

He pointed out that the Constitution allows multiparty democracy hence nobody should be targeted on account of his political affiliation.

‘We live in a country of multiparty democracy and that is why we have many political parties. All sons and daughters of the Luo community are allowed to join any of the political parties,’ Ongadi said.

He told residents to allow their leaders who were working with the government to do so in order to mobilize resources for supporting the community.

‘Let our sons and daughters who are working with the government be given freedom to do so. They are mobilizing resources for development projects for our community,’ Ongadi said.

The Deputy Secretary of the Council Okinyi Rawo
warned political leaders against using the youth to cause violence in the region noting that the manner in which Okoda was killed in Oyugis town was unfortunate.

‘It is wrong to give the youth money to cause chaos or kill others. Members of our community led in the fight for multiparty democracy in Kenya. Let our politicians embrace multiparty,’ Rawo said.

Also present was elder’s chairman in charge of Kasipul Constituency Caleb Ouko.

Source: Kenya News Agency