
Enhanced Surveillance Of Hospitals

Nakuru County government has embarked on an audit of health centres through engagement of both patients and staff on the quality of services provided as a concerted effort to enhance efficiency and effective health care as they prepare to implement the improved Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF).

Today, the County Executive for Health Dr. Joy Mugambi accompanied by staff from her Department toured Rongai Health Centre to carry out an assessment of all amenities offered at the facilities.

The team engaged with both patients and staff taking their feedback on the quality of services provided, with the County Executive reaffirming the County’s commitment to continuous improvement on patient-centered care.

Dr. Mugambi emphasized that with the rollout of the enhanced Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) which has replaced NHIF, there was need for a concerted effort to advance on management efficiency and ensure alignment with Standard Operating Procedures.

‘We now task you as the Facility Management Team to im
plement the restructuring initiatives proposed today for optimal operations for the benefit of the community served by this facility,’ said Dr. Mugambi said.

On her part, the County Director for Public Health Elizabeth Kiptoo who was part of the team emphasized the need to provide the highest standards of care for the community, reinforcing public health interventions alongside the service delivery team.

The team noted the need to modernise infrastructure in the long-term, but stressed the immediate obligation and commitment to tackle facility’s infrastructural challenges with instant renovations to ensure a conducive environment for optimal conditions for patient care.

Dr. Mugambi said the heightened supervision is augmented by the support of USAID Tujenge Jamii (UTJ) and the construction of the new maternity block in the Sub-County.

Source: Kenya News Agency