
Ethiopia’s Relationship with US, EU Is Further Deepening, FM Spokesperson Says

Ethiopia’s relationship with the United States, European Union and its member states is further deepening, according to the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Spokesperson Meles Alem briefed the media today on the various diplomatic activities that took place in first quarter of fiscal year.

He added Ethiopia has carried out remarkable diplomatic achievement in the first quarter of current fiscal year in bilateral and multilateral spheres.

Ethiopia’s diplomacy is returned to normal in the fiscal year and the number of partners are increasing.

The spokesperson said this year the ministry is working on ‘back to business and partnership,’ which aim to reduce enemy and increase partnership.

“To put in the nutshell in the first quarter of 2016 fiscal year, the ministry has accomplished a remarkable achievement in implementing its plan. On bilateral spheres, the relationship between Ethiopia, the US, EU as a continental body and members of the EU has further been deepened. We have made again strong presence in the 78th UN General Assembly.”

Prior to the 78th UN General Assembly, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen made an attendance at G77+China summit.

Demeke had spoken with more than 30 heads of state, heads of international organizations and institutions as well as with the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, during the UN General Assembly session on the sidelines of the 78th UN General Assembly, Meles said.

According to him, the ministry has planned to conduct diversified and inclusive diplomatic activities that ensure and respect the national interest of Ethiopia.

Therefore, Meles mentioned that engagement with USA, EU, G77+China, UN and other organizations in the stated period has brought fruitful results.

He further explained that discussion underway with the US government on issues to further bolstering trade, investment and development cooperation.

He also added that the recent visits of US senators and Congress members to Ethiopia would further enhance these ties. There were also discussions with US investors in New York about the untapped investment opportunities in Ethiopia.

Ambassador Meles said the European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen’s recent visit to Ethiopia and the announcement of the 650 million euros Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) is a proof of the institution’s readiness to support the ongoing reforms in the country.

Speaking of multilateral diplomacy, Ambassador Meles explained that the President of the United Nations Security Council and a group of representatives of member countries of the Council came to Ethiopia and held fruitful discussions with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen, on peace and security issues in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa region.

He also mentioned that an agreement has been signed to scale up the relations to the level of strategic partnership.

consultations are also being held on issues of democracy, human rights and good governance as well as defense and security issues, he said.

In addition, UK and Ireland are reactivating their bilateral relation with Ethiopia. The Spokespersonpointed out Ireland’s readiness to work closely with Ethiopia and the ongoing efforts to take the bilateral relations between Ethiopia and the United Kingdom into a strategic partnership.

Recalling that the discussions were focusing on development and partnership, the Spokesperson stated that Ethiopia would continue to strengthen its diplomatic engagements in order to protect its national interests and become a key and influential player in the international arena.

As Ethiopia is a diplomatic hub, Ambassador Meles noted that various countries, including Croatia, Colombia, and Nicaragua, have shown interest in opening their diplomatic missions in Addis Ababa.

In the coming week, Ethiopian delegation will participate at the China Belt and Road initiative forum be held in Beijing.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency