
Fokoue inhabitants accuse gendarmes of growing crime wave

Inhabitants of Fokoue subdivision in the Menoua division of the West region are worried with the rise in the rate of insecurity in their municipality lately.

“Thieves are everywhere. They attack and kill our brothers almost on a daily basis. People can’t move freely anymore,” a local said.

Recently, some disgruntled inhabitants of Fokoue stormed the Gendarmerie brigade of the area with the corpse of a man popularly known as “General Nikita”, in his 40s reportedly murdered. They accused gendarme elements of sympathizing and conniving with criminals. “We are here to hand over this corpse to you. You people should do what you like with it. Because of you he was killed by thugs,” the yelled.

“We have complained of high crime wave to the gendarmes countless times but they did nothing. People keep dying because of armed bandits out there. Even those known by all are still moving freely causing havoc in Fokoue. We are tired of this. It shows they are conniving with the criminals because even when they are arrested the next day they are out,” another local declared.

It was only after a dialogue with the Dschang Gendarmerie brigade Commander and the intervention of the Divisional Officer of Fokoue subdivision that the angry population carried the corpse away.

Source: Cameroon News Agency