
Government Collaborates With Development Partners To Enhance Security

The Ministry of Interior and National Administration today met with development partners to chart a way forward on how they can collaborate in initiatives that enhance citizen participation, peace building and conflict resolution.

Internal Security and National Administration Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo said the challenges the country faces from evolving security threats demands continuous vigilance and unwavering resolve, a need he noted requires greater collaboration and support from development partners.

‘Due to the intrinsic link between security and development, we seek support for the investment in our National Government Administrative Officers, who are pivotal in coordinating government policies and programmes at the grassroot level,’ said the PS.

He said the ministry has already laid the groundwork by reviewing the National Government Coordination Act, Chiefs Act and Kenya’s Peacebuilding Architecture to improve government service delivery and called upon partners to help strengthen the vit
al local governance structure.

Dr Omollo was speaking on Monday at a Nairobi hotel during the 2nd Development Partners Roundtable meeting where the ministry hosted development partners to review their collective achievements, challenges and to chart a path for the year 2024.

In 2023, the ministry collaborated with development partners where they embarked on a consultative and collaborative journey to strengthen the foundations of security, resilience and progress within the country.

‘In 2023 our vision was to utilize the multi-sectoral approach and promote inter-agency coordination not only in the management of security but also in planning, budgeting, monitoring and delivery of security related programmes,’ he stated.

Dr Omollo acknowledged that with the support of development partners the ministry has made strides in security sector reform by enhancing the capacity of the country’s security agencies.

The PS at the same time announced that police reforms are still on top of the government’s agenda, whil
e stressing the need for all to embrace technology and innovation in the proposed programmes.

‘We need to partner on investments in surveillance systems at our border points, data analytics for disaster response and cybersecurity for our vital statistics to safeguard our nation and stay ahead of ever evolving challenges,’ he added.

Dr Omollo said the development partners have supported Kenya in strengthening the border control mechanisms with the aim of preventing irregular migration, human trafficking and smuggling of illicit and counterfeit goods.

The Principal Secretary for Internal Security and National Administration Dr. Raymond Omollo (3rd Right) with Principal Secretary of the State Department for Correctional Services Dr. Salome Muhia (2nd Right) during the 2nd Development Partners Roundtable meeting with Government on Monday, February 26, 2024 at Serena Hotel, Nairobi. The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Interior to review their collective achievement, challenges and to chart a path for the
year 2024.

The PS singled out the European Union, the International Organization for Migration, the German Development Agency and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime as partners who funded numerous programmes to enhance Kenya’s border security management and capacity building for border officials, modernization of border infrastructure and technological support for passport and visa management.

The PS also thanked World Bank, World Food Programme and the United Nations Development Programme for supporting the ministry’s disaster preparedness and response efforts which he said, has significantly mitigated the impact of disasters amongst communities.

He added that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Monetary Fund along with other development partners and donor countries, have been working closely with the ministry to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to the refugees who are a vulnerable population.

The PS said there is need to prioritize and make fol
low ups on bilateral and multilateral conversations in order to craft new agreements and finalize existing program documents with clear monitoring mechanisms.

‘As we move forward, let us explore ways to scale up financial support for this impactful work that is going on,’ urged the PS.

The Principal Secretary in the State Department for Correctional Services Dr Salome Muhia in her address said the prisons department is looking forward to the improvement of correctional services as per the Report of the National Taskforce on Police Reforms.

‘We urge more development partners to work with the government so that we can improve prisons and correctional institutions and implement the Taskforce report on police reforms holistically,’ said the PS.

In his remarks, the United Nations Resident Coordinator Dr Stephen Jackson said UN will support Kenya in the migration management of borders to enable the country have a well-managed flow of migrants who are entering and leaving the country.

‘We will assist in enhanci
ng security in the border for peace, as well as countering terrorism and disaster risk management mitigation response and to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, said Dr Jackson, pointing out that there is no sustainable development without peace.

Source: Kenya News Agency