
Government Keen On Settling Historical Land Injustices, CS Lands

The government has started the process of settling historical land injustices in Murang’a County to solve recurring land disputes in the area.

Lands, Public Works and Urban Development Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome said that some of the injustices have lasted for years in unwinding battles that have even resulted to deaths.

Wahome said some of the historical land injustices involve Delmonte farm, Kakuzi PLC, Kagaa and Kihiu Mwiri.

‘I have been very bothered by Kihiu Mwiri because our people have been killed over that land and no solution has been neigh, but I want to confirm that already I have asked for the file for that land,’ she said adding that, ‘If you are on someones shamba illegally, start moving out because we must settle these wars once and for all, it is not right to displace someone from their rightful land.’

The CS admitted that a lot of forgery was done at the Ministry of Lands and added there are titles upon titles for the same land including numerous double allocations.

Those with fake t
itle deeds will also be brought to accountability.

‘We will also sort out the remaining titles belonging to the people of Kagaa who did not receive title deeds during the last issuance,’ observed Wahome.

She spoke in Maragua Constituency during an academic infrastructure development event organised by the area Member of Parliament, Mary Wamaua.

The CS was responding to the grievances raised by the area MP over historical injustices that have crippled development in the area

‘We have historical land injustices here, the major one being with the vast Delmonte farm and Kakuzi PLC,’ lamented Wamaua.

She continued, ‘We also have a lot of issues with Kakuzi PLC, the worst being that our people living around Kakuzi area have been denied access roads and have to walk more than 15 kms to access other places yet all they need is a foot path.’

‘If they trespass you all know the kind of violence and torture that is meted on our people by the company’s guards including death,’ she said.

The legislator further noted
that the farms have unsecured dams that are a risk to the community around.

‘Let them fence those dams, to prevent our people from drowning there and to protect them from human animal conflict,’ she said.

The MP also asked the Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi to act swiftly and sort out the fake fertiliser mess to enhance food production.

‘The people responsible must be brought to book because food production is one of the government’s agenda for the food prices to go down, how then can this be possible if the fertiliser our farmers are receiving is fake?’ posed Wahome.

Source: Kenya News Agency