
Green Legacy Way to Show World Climate Change Not Just Lip Service: UNIDO Representative

UNIDO Representative in Ethiopia, Aurelia Patrizia Calabrò, who has participated in the Green Legacy Initiative for three consecutive years, said that the initiative is a way to show the world that climate change is not just lip service.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, the UNIDO Representative and Director of the Regional Hub in Ethiopia has also expressed her readiness to participate in this year’s planting of seedlings next week.

“We have been invited by the Government of Ethiopia as the nation is aiming at 500 million trees to be planted on Monday in one day. So, I am participating myself in this initiative.”

According to her, Ethiopia is a country of bio-diversity and it has been affected by different natural reserve disasters, including drought and floods, among others.

“I think it (the initiative) is a way to show to the world that Ethiopia is on the map that climate change is not just lip service.”

She stated that the Green Legacy is definitely a very important step and the country is not doing it only once every year, adding that this is the fifth year Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is fully involved.

The Green Legacy, which was initiated by the premier and launched four years ago with an overarching goal of planting 20 billion seedlings, has succeeded in planting 25 billion seedlings, including fruit, and cattle feeds.

“This is something that I really like that it is taking at this highest level, and then going down to the population, and (it is) especially important) for the new generations and kids in school.”

Calabrò further said that the Green Legacy is not only about planting trees, it’s also very much linked to the so-called urban agriculture.

“I have visited the office of the Prime Minister, and I have seen what is being done even inside the office in the production of fruits and vegetables.”

The UNIDO representative thinks this “is really something that is again part of this theory of change where people are instigated and stimulated. It is also linked to import substitutions.”

Calabrò noted that it is a very important step that Ethiopia has been undertaking and there is no way of going back. “You have only to look at the future with great optimism and support all of these important initiatives that are coming now in place.”

Moreover, she elaborated that the Green Legacy Initiative has got momentum among Ethiopians from all walks of life, which shows the “commitment and the pride of the people of Ethiopia.”

Source: Ethiopian News Agency