
Hate speech: CAMP intends to amplify grassroots voice-President

The Cameroon Association of Media Professionals, CAMP, is set to put into effect a project that will help in alleviating hate speech across the country.

It is the first project CAMP will be implementing this year 2024 thanks to a fruitful collaboration between the association and the Swiss Embassy in Cameroon. It is known ‘Bridging Respect Through Inclusive Digital Engagement – BRIDGE,’ CNA learned.

The project will address the growing phenomenon of hate speech in Cameroon by promoting a concerted approach of hate speech in the media and on social media platforms.

The main activities will feature among others; workshops, online campaigns, support to content creation, community radio and TV debates on hate speech.

It shall target journalists, bloggers, influencers, community leaders, and other stakeholders.

‘We shall also have awareness meetings with different stakeholders especially traditional rulers to amplify voices at grassroot levels against hate speech,’ ex-railed Solomon Agborem, the national pre

‘The fight against hate speech is a collective action if we really want to deal away with the prey’. However, ‘the BRIDGE project is expected to kick off any time soon in April with a press conference and later a training workshop for journalists,’ he added.

CAMP is a nonprofit organization specialized in the effective use of the media, mass communication and information technology for education, global information dissemination and access for development, promoting democracy and good governance, national capacity building, promoting community health, cultural preservation, fight against social injustice and poverty alleviation. The association was foudned by Tabe Taryhang who is the Executive Director.

Source: Cameroon News Agency