HR professionals’ partner with Universities to address students’ skills gaps

Industry players including Human Resources (HR) professionals have embarked on a partnership programme with universities in curriculum reviews and mentorship programmes to make students competitive.

This is after the realisation of a huge skills-mismatch between school training and the industry which they say they establish after offering the students jobs or internship placements.

Among them is Wambui Macharia, the Manager People and Talent Development, a Nairobi based HR company, who raised concerns that hiring companies find some students missing relevant skills to make it in the industry.

She cited lack of technological skills and hands-on experience as disadvantaging students during job interviews.

‘That’s why we have partnered with institutions of higher learning in curriculum reviews as well as mentoring students to pursue marketable courses to make them competitive,’ Wambui said.

She was speaking during Zetech University’s week-long career fair at the institutions Ruiru campus.

The event provid
ed a platform for students to interact freely with entrepreneurs, professionals, and educators, gaining valuable insights and securing opportunities for internships, attachments, and specialised training.

Sophia Kihanda, the Manager, Hospitality Company Paleo Hotels called on students in the hospitality industry to be well versed with other skills including foreign languages, financial and strategic management, IT among other skills.

‘Sometimes we get concerned when students are only trained in one area, let’s say food preparation and service. This sector needs one to be well rounded with more than three skills, and proficient in three foreign languages. Through partnerships with the institutions, we have raised these concerns and hope the students will be more rounded,’ said Kihanda.

The University’s Dean, School of Education, Arts and Social Sciences Prof Owen Ngumi said the new insights and partnerships with the industry players will help in addressing the gaps and enable them chunk out competitive grad

‘Through these partnerships with the industry, we have addressed the skills mismatch among our students as well as come up with marketable academic programme thus making our students competitive,’ said Ngumi

Source: Kenya News Agency