
Irrigation Scheme Launched In Turkana South Sub County

Turkana Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has officially launched a 30-acre model drip irrigation scheme in Nakwamoru, Kaputir Ward.

The project features a solar-powered borehole and a 50,000-liter elevated steel tank designed primarily to support horticultural farming.

Governor Lomorukai while launching the project highlighted his administration’s focus on development. He emphasized the county government’s commitment to utilising technology to ensure food security in areas with agricultural potential.

‘We are here to showcase the development we’ve undertaken as a county government, and we plan to roll out more projects,’ Governor Lomorukai said. ‘This is just one of the food security projects. We plan to commission more soon.’

The drip irrigation farm, which relies on groundwater, is expected to benefit over 200 farmer households, with women and youth making up a significant portion of the beneficiaries.

The Governor reiterated his and the County Assembly’s dedication to development initiatives. He announced
that his administration had allocated Sh69 million for a restocking programme to support residents affected by various disasters.

The County Security team was represented by Daniel Kinyua (County Police Commander) and Gideon Ombongi (Turkana South DCC).

Earlier in the day, the governor engaged the residents of Lokichar, who were displaced by bandits. He assured them that the government is beefing up security in the area. He also shared plans for resettlement as well as piping of water into the village.

The Governor condemned criminal activity in Turkana South and urged for the perpetrators’ arrest. ‘I won’t be part of those who aim to create chaos in Turkana. My goal is to champion peace and coexistence with our neighbours, like the one we have with residents of Pokot North,’ he stated.

Governor Lomorukai informed residents that a recent meeting with Interior and National Administration Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo aimed to secure additional National Police Reservists to address ongoing insecurity i
n parts of Turkana South and Turkana East constituencies.

He expressed gratitude to the multi-agency security team for their efforts in combating crime and rallied support for President Ruto’s administration, which he commended for fulfilling its promises to Turkana leadership.

County Executive for Agriculture, Dr Antony Apalia, encouraged residents to form cooperatives to gain access to grants and establish market linkages for their agricultural products. Meanwhile, Lokichar MCA and Minority Leader Samuel Lomodo lauded the Nakwamoru drip irrigation project as a testament to Governor Lomorukai’s administration’s efficient service delivery.

He criticized leaders who engage in negativity towards the Governor, especially those with a history of corruption during their time in the county government. Kaputir MCA Michael Aemun expressed his support for the county government, which he believes is on the right track for development, citing visible projects within his ward.

County Executives Patrick Losike (Water
Services), Peter Akono (Lands), David Erukudi (Trades), a host of Chief Officers among others were present during the launch.

Source: Kenya News Agency