
Kericho Residents Submit Views To The Budget And Appropriations Committee

Residents of Kericho County have submitted their views to the parliamentary Budget and Appropriations Committee, which conducted a public participation forum at ACK holy Trinity conference centre on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure, for the Financial Year 2024/2025 and the Medium-Term.

The committee members enlightened the over 50 participants that the National Government Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for Financial Year 2024/2025 and the Medium-Term, proposed to carry on implementation of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) as a matter of priority.

Narok South Legislator Kitalai Ole Ntutu, a member of the Budget and Appropriations committee who presided over the forum explained that the Committee also sought submissions of memoranda from the public on the Supplementary Estimates II for Financial Year 2023/2024, to be submitted to the office of the Clerk of the National Assembly, on or before Monday, the 20th of May, 2024.

Ntutu who was accompanied by his counterpart Michael M
uchira (Ol Jorok MP) emphasised that the Supplementary Estimates II seeks to provide additional funding for emerging priorities, meet unforeseen expenditures and realign budgetary allocations to projected absorption levels.

Kericho County Governor Dr. Eric Mutai who was also present was the first to present his submissions ardently advocated for the expedited establishment of the proposed Referral Hospital saying it will be a vital healthcare institution that will serve the south Rift region comprehensively.

The governor was concerned that many patients encountered financial constraints while traveling long distances seeking advanced health services in other counties.

Dr. Mutai also urged the committee to prioritize budgetary allocations for the swift completion of Kerenga Airstrip a crucial infrastructure project for enhancing connectivity across the South rift region and unlocking myriad opportunities for the local populace.

‘Pursuant to article 221 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, today I had the hon
or of presenting our county’s pressing needs and aspirations. I proposed the strategic relocation of Kericho Prisons to facilitate the town’s expansion, paving the way for Kericho to attain city status in the near future,’ added Dr. Mutai

On his part, Ainamoi MP Benjamin Langat raised issues concerning water shortage in his constituency proposing Ksh.100 million be allocated to provision of water which was a grave issue affecting residents in Ainamoi.

A representative from the County Commissioner’s office gave a proposal of Sh30 million to be allocated for construction of a modern County Commissioner’s offices arguing that they had identified a new location within Kericho town.

During the forum, Members of County Assembly represented by Hezron Kipngeno (Chilchila Ward) proposed that there should be renovation of roads and bridges, adding that some roads and bridges were destroyed due to heavy rainfall in Kipkelion West, thus requesting Sh13 million shillings be allocated for reconstruction of the bridges a
nd roads.

Other Participants who included national and county government officials, representatives from the civil society, human rights advocacy groups, Representatives of youth, women and Persons with disabilities among others got the opportunity to point out the social, economic and infrastructural challenges they encountered and proposed intervention that would be of benefit to them.

The Committee members assured that the views submitted would be considered in policy and budget formulation for the coming financial years.

Source: Kenya News Agency