
Kilifi County Receives Vital Medical Supplies to Tackle Waterborne Diseases

Kilifi: In response to the recent heavy rains and floods, Kilifi County received a significant donation of medical supplies worth Sh 6.3 million from the national government through the Ministry of Health. This initiative is aimed at combating the spread of waterborne diseases in the region.

According to Kenya News Agency, the medicine batch, valued at Sh5.8 million, is designated for the treatment of water-borne diseases, while another Sh500,000 worth of supplies will be used for infection control. “Because we want to ensure we prevent diseases, we have brought drugs for infection control worth 500,000 shillings. Areas with stagnant water should get sprayed, including houses in those areas, so that we can protect children against illnesses,” said CS Nakhumicha.

The medical supplies, including medicine and cholera kits, were received by Kilifi Deputy Governor Ms. Flora Chibule at the Kilifi County Referral Hospital. Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha oversaw the delivery, which included Health Products and Technologies (HPTs).

Additionally, the national government provided 5,000 mosquito nets to the county, with plans to distribute more to ensure broad access, especially for those affected by the floods.

To further support households displaced by the floods, the CS announced that the national government would provide food aid to the victims. She emphasized the importance of Community Health Promoters in effectively utilizing the cholera kits and encouraged residents to welcome these health professionals into their homes to improve health standards in the county.

Nakhumicha also highlighted the inclusion of water treatment tablets in the kits, meant for purifying drinking water and water used for cooking, as a measure against waterborne diseases. “Also in these kits is deworming medicine. One of the ways to ensure good health is through regular deworming. We have brought deworming medicine for both adults and children,” she added.

The CS’s visit was part of a broader effort to address health concerns in the area, and she was accompanied by other government officials, including Government Spokesperson Dr. Isaac Mwaura and Public Health and Professional Standards PS Mary Muthoni.