
Kisii County Unveils Committee To Spearhead Fight Against Child Labour

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has revealed a troubling trend in

global estimates of child labour where it has increased for the first

time in 20 years from 152 million in 2016 to 160 million in 2020.

According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), 8.5 per cent

of Kenya’s children (1.3 million) are in child labour especially in

the agricultural sector.

It is for this reason that Kisii County has unveiled a Child labour

committee to spearhead activities geared towards ending child labour in

critical value chains in the Coffee and tea sectors in the area.

This move is in line with ILO strategy dubbed Accelerating action for

elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL Africa).

Speaking during the first committee meeting in Kisii town, Kisii

South Deputy County Commissioner Ms Grace Ouma said the team will

assist in designing interventions and implement the project.

Ms. Ouma noted that the multispectral committee will be in

identified areas like Meru, Kir
inyaga, and Kericho counties where

child labour has been found to be rampant in the tea and coffee


County Child labour Committee (CCLC) is defined as a committee

comprising of stakeholders who can contribute towards elimination of

child labour in the devolved unit through a robust work plan.

The main objective of the CCLC is to facilitate and implement the

process of elimination of child labour at the county level and its

core functions are coordination, planning, resource mobilization and

implementation of projects on child labour elimination in the devolved


According to ACCEL- Africa project secretary who is also the County

Labour officer, Charles Muniko, the ILO project is in its second

phase which also targets Uganda and Malawi.

Muniko explained that the project will enable Kenya to build an extensive

network of participating countries in active engagement towards ending

violence against children during the second phase of the project which

will be launched in April this
year and culminate in the year 2028.

Muniko noted that the Kenya tea industry with an export value of Sh.

143 billion in 2019 and which supports 5 million people directly and

indirectly needed to be jealously guarded from going against the

international laws which could lead to diminishing gains.

He expressed optimism that the committee members drawn from state

and non-state entities will pull their efforts towards eliminating the

vice in the tea sector in which at least 650,000 small-scale farmers

depended, and the coffee sector which he termed as a major export for


‘Tea and Coffee from Kenya are included in the U.S. Department of

Labour list of goods produced with child labour, and we must reverse

the trend fast especially now that Kenya is the world’s leading exporter

of tea and third largest producer, after China and India,’ Muniko


Other agricultural goods listed in the USDOL’s list from various parts

of the world include Sugarcane, cotton, tobacco, rice, cattle and


In the manufacturing sector, bricks, garments, textiles, footwear and

carpets top the list while under mining or quarry industry goods,

gold, coal and diamonds are included.

‘We will also look into ways of incorporating soapstone mining in our

activities to ensure the industry is adhering to set regulations so

that it is not enlisted among those defaulting,’ Muniko announced.

Mr Eric Ongeri, the County Chief Executive Committee Member for

Youth, Sports, Culture, Arts and Special Services said the County

government was ready to work with all stakeholders for the benefit of

the youth in the region.

Ongeri also cited other vices against children including drug abuse,

defilement, teenage pregnancy and FGM saying the county government

will not relent in engaging stakeholders to stamp out the menace.

ACCEL Africa project’s goal is to accelerate the elimination of child

labour in Africa through targeted actions in selected supply chains

through innovative approach by strengthening the existing systems

that are geared towards eliminating the root causes.

The project’s first phase was done in 2019-2023 and proved successful

in Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda in

the cocoa, gold, cotton, tea, and coffee supply chains.

Kenya is therefore poised to extremely benefit from successful

practices established during the first phase of the project’s work on

specifically coffee and tea supply chains in Uganda and Malawi.

Source: Kenya News Agency