
Let Us Implement Programs Instead Of Board Room Meetings, Otuoma

Busia Governor Paul Otuoma has urged partners on climate change to ensure that funds are channeled to support the common mwananchi at the grassroot level.

Speaking to the victims of floods in Bunyala South Ward on Thursday, Otuoma noted that several meetings on climate change were being held in high end hotels, yet some of the most affected people were not being supported.

‘ Several capacity buildings have been held in big hotels for the last 60 years, yet our people have not received any help,’ he said.

He pointed out that Sh35 billion that were set aside by the National Assembly for Emergency response have not been disbursed to the County.

‘I want to urge those concerned to do what is expected of them instead of waiting to see Kenyans lose lives to disaster,’ he said.

The governor stated that Busia County expected to be given Sh700 million but the devolved unit has received only Sh35 million to date.

‘As Western region, we suggested that a dam be constructed at Charanganyi , Lugari , Siaya, Malakisi
with a view to contain the waters that are affecting the residents of Bunyala through floods,’ he said, adding that implementation of programmes is a big challenge.

Otuoma further stated that governors are willing to cooperate with the national government and support the implementation of national government programmes.

‘This is because we must move away from rain-fed agriculture and embrace irrigation,’ he said, adding that there was a need to implement programmes in line with the vision 2030.

He further urged development partners to move away from board room meetings but instead provide resources that can relieve the common man from suffering.

‘We must find a permanent solution to the Budalangi floods because we also fought for Independence,’ he said, adding that the County leadership was ready to sacrifice whatever little resources that it has to ensure that people do not die from situations that can be prevented.

Bunyala Deputy County Commissioner Paul Papa urged those living in flood prone areas alo
ng River Nzoia to move to higher grounds.

Papa stated that 1700 households displaced and were living in temporary camps were in dire need of humanitarian support.

The flood victims received 160 bags of rice, 212 cartons of cooking fat, 90 bags of maize, 90 bags of beans and 250 cartons of bar soap from the County government

Source: Kenya News Agency