
Live Electric Wire Claims Life Of Trader

Residents of Nyangweso area in Rangwe Sub County have expressed their disappointment with the management of Kenya Power after a live electric wire claimed a life.

The residents who were shaken by the tragic incident decried negligence by the power company that has cost the life of one David Oyaya who was on his way to the market before the tragic incident.

It is reported that the deceased who was a cattle trader had stepped on the live wire, which was lying loosely in a swampy ground within the market area, when he was electrocuted together with four cows.

According to witnesses, the electric wire had fallen down from a pole two days ago, and was lying loosely on the ground in a situation that was endangering the lives of the market users.

Speaking to KNA, they however claimed that despite informing the Kenya Power officials about the loose wire no action was taken.

The area acting chief Kenneth Odhiambo Odero confirmed that the incident happened two days after the live electric wire was spotted on the
ground of the swampy market.

The chairman of cattle traders Joseph Omollo lamented that besides the market being around a swampy area, its location also poses a high risk of road accidents which may claim lives of many traders.

He called on the County Government to step in and construct for them a modern market to avoid future mishaps.

Source: Kenya News Agency