
Machakos PWDs Receive Customized Mobility Devices In Machakos Town

200 People with Disability (PWDs) in Machakos sub-county received assistive devices including wheelchairs, clutches, and walking sticks to aid in their mobility.

The initiative which was spearheaded by Hope Mobility Kenya in collaboration with Machakos Member of Parliament (MP), Caleb Mule Foundation is meant to uplift and empower the PWDs to be able to improve their lives.

MP Caleb Mule, while addressing the media at AIC Bomani church in Machakos town, underscored the importance of providing mobility devices that cater to the individual requirements of PWDs.

Mule said the mobility aids were tailored to the specific needs and conditions of the beneficiaries.

‘The customized devices are to help PWDs feel that they belong and are included in the society because there are others who are hidden at home since they are unable to move,’ said Mp Caleb.

He however decried the high prices of the assistive devices due to the high tax imposed on them saying a wheelchair goes for Sh150, 000 which is beyond the reach
of many PWDs.

The legislator pledged to advocate for duty-free imports of wheelchairs which will be brought in pieces so that they can be assembled in the country creating employment.

He assured the public that he would partner with organizations of goodwill to build an assembling ground for assistive devices for PWDs to easily access them at a lower cost.

Additionally, MP Mule noted that he will also advocate for the incorporation of disability-friendly features in all county-approved buildings, emphasizing inclusive infrastructure and continued support for PWDs.

‘The disabled should be able to access any building with ease, ‘added Mule.

Jack Muthui, Executive Director of Hope Mobility Kenya, echoed MP Mule’s sentiments, expressing the organization’s commitment to expanding its reach for PWDs beyond Machakos town.

Muthui emphasized Hope Mobility Kenya’s dedication to serving PWDs across Machakos County and beyond with a vision to ensure mobility and independence for all.

Hope Mobility Kenya, a non-gov
ernmental organization founded by Michael Panther, aims to address the challenges faced by PWDs, and its mission is to share hope through the provision of appropriate Mobility Devices and Training to Persons with Disabilities in Kenya and across Africa.

Source: Kenya News Agency