
Members Of Murang’a County Budget And Economic Council Gazetted

The Murang’a government has gazetted 11 members who will serve in the county budget and economic council.

The organ as provided for by Public Finance Management Act 2012, is supposed to advise the governor on matters of county budgeting and economic development.

Governor Irungu Kang’ata had nominated among them eminent persons from the county and renowned academia, business people and professionals.

The team, Kang’ata in a press statement, said it will provide advice and directives to spearhead investments, marketing and businesses in the county with the aim of providing employment opportunities to young people.

Some of the members of the council include Dr. Peter Munga, formerly chairman Equity Bank; Jimnah Mbaru (Businessman), Dr. SK Macharia of Royal Media, Professor Olive Mugenda former Vice chancellor of Kenyatta University, Engineer John Musonik who is a board member of Safaricom and former PS for Roads.

Others are Professor Zipporah Nganga, Dr. Kanynje Gakombe, Dr. Felistus Njuguna, Professor Mac
haria Muthuure, Amb. Mary Muthoni and Dr. Salome Gitoho.

Kang’ata said he opted to nominate renowned professionals, academia and business people who have played key roles in the development of this nation.

With their help, he noted members of the forum and who majority are from Murang’a will advise him areas on development which need to be given priority and for the benefit of the county residents.

The inauguration of the council comes when the county government in partnership with the national government is earmarked to establish Export Processing Zone (EPZ) on land the county got from fruit processing company, Delmonte Ltd.

The governor revealed that his administration acceded to the national government request for 500.3 acres of land to establish an EPZ in the county government’s land at Makenji area.

With the help of the council, Kang’ata hopes the project will be designed in a manner to create employment and support economic growth in the county.

‘We believe the proposed EPZ will be a game changer
in terms of economic growth and development of this county. The EPZ will utilize raw materials from the county and we also urge the EPZ to ensure that 99 percent of the labour force for the project come from Murang’a host county,’ stated Kang’ata.

Source: Kenya News Agency