
My office is open DCC tell residents warning against cash transactions

Rachuonyo south sub county deputy Commissioner (DCC) Dennis Kieti has urged residents seeking services in the lands offices to make payment for any service through the e-citizen portal

The DCC cautioned anybody seeking services to avoid cash transactions

‘Use the e-citizen platform to pay for government service charge. There should be no cash payment.

The Commissioner said this will help eliminate avenues of corruption in the course of delivery of government services.

The DCC was speaking Sunday during the 61st Mashujaa day celebration held at Ragwe health centre ground in Kodera north location an event that saw over 2000 residents turn up for the fete

‘After paying for any government service on the e-citizen, get a receipt and take it to the land registrar and you will be served diligently,’ the DCC said.

The administrator promised residents he will look into any complaints concerning payment services to ensure there is seamless service delivery saying his office is open and anybody with a problem sh
ould visit to be helped.

MP for Kasipul constituency Charles Ongondo Were who attended the celebration had earlier in his speech said residents seeking services at the land office were subjected to many cash payment wondering which account the money was going to.

The Mp said once a service charge has been paid one should be served promptly.

‘If the land board has cleared the documents, and the chiefs have signed the documents and one has paid for a service charge, what account is the other money going to?’ he asked

The Mp called on the residents not to pay any more money other than the service charge as required in order to be issued with a land title deed.

He however at the same time encouraged residents especially those in Kodera region to sell their land to people they know well and not just because they have money saying this will help manage any security threat

‘Don’t sell land to persons of questionable character then later you blame the police for insecurity

He praised security agencies in Rach
uonyo South sub-County saying they are doing a good job regarding security

The Mp asked the public to cooperate with the police by reporting any criminals they may know as he also reminded the residents the criminals are just within the community because some are their sons or brothers.

‘You don’t want to support the security agencies but when there is a problem you accuse the police of laxity and demand their transfers,’ he said.

The Mp promised to build a police station in Ragwe, Kodera North location to ensure more security personnel are brought in to help maintain order in the area considered vast.

The celebration was also attended by central Kasipul MCA Bob Opondo who also the County Assembly majority whip, East Kamagak MCA Dorine Aoko Oyugi, West Kasipul MCA Vickins Bondo and national and county government departmental heads.

Source: Kenya News Agency