
Rice Cultivation, Production Increasing in Amhara Region

Rice cultivation and production have been increasing in Amhara region as a result of the efforts being carried out by the government to expand the development of the crop in the country, according to Agriculture Bureau of the Region.

The government of Ethiopia has been undertaking various agricultural development activities with a view to ensuring food self-sufficiency, expand export trade and realize import substitution.

Rice development program is one of these activities which is being implemented over the past few years as part of the efforts.

There is a fast tendency of rice farmland and production increment in Amhara region which demonstrates the fact that the country has the potential to substitute rice import by strengthening domestic productions and even start export.

Rice Crop Development Coordinator at Bureau, Eniye Assefa told ENA that some 5.4 million quintals of rice crop is expected to be harvested this season from Amhara region alone.

The production is expected from the 83, 650 hectares of cultivated land in 17 rice growing districts, she added.

Compared to the same period last year, land covered by rice showed an increment of 22,000 hectares and more than two million quintals in terms of production, the coordinator stated. This indicates that the land cultivated and the yield obtained is showing a tendency of increment.

Moreover, she elaborated that Fogera National Rice Research and Training Center and other organizations have helped the farmers to ensure their food security and increase economic benefits with the improved varieties.

About 61,497 hectares of land was cultivated with rice and collected more than 3.2 million quintals last year in the region.

According to the National Rice Development Strategy there is a high tendency of rice farmland increment in Ethiopia particularly in Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz and Oromia Regions.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency