
Solar Energy Reduces Post-Harvest Losses

The Nakuru County Director for Agriculture Fredrick Owino today said the affordability, scalability, and suitability for centralized application of solar energy is changing the lives of local farmers through the reduction of post-harvest losses.

While speaking today at the Suka Farmers’ Cooperative Society in Subukia-Sub-County, he said the installation of an avocado solar cold store, which is used to store produce from farmers before marketing them has enabled them to bargain for higher prices.

He noted that solar cold storage has not only empowered the farmers to get better prices for their products, but it has also reduced post-harvest losses in the value chain and removed the urgency of selling perishable foodstuffs, even when prices are at their lowest.

Owino commended the Subukia sub-county farmers who have an estimated acreage of 800 hectares of avocado fruit trees and assured them of the county’s continued support of free seedlings.

Also, he visited the Suka Dairy Cooperative which collects 4700-4900 liters of milk every day from its 896 members, and solar energy has aided them in adding value by producing yogurt. Hence, increasing income for their members.

He urged other farmers’ cooperative societies in the county to emulate the Subukia farmers because solar energy helps overcome energy access challenges, improves agricultural productivity, reduces post-harvest losses, and enriches the overall livelihoods of farmers.

Additionally, he said solar energy has the capacity to play a significant role in assisting farmers throughout the country, through the construction of cold storages, and reducing post-harvest losses, which now stand at a high of 30 percent.

The Director observed that the huge challenge of accessibility to lucrative markets is nowadays made possible through the installation of solar energy. Since it enables the farmers to store perishables longer instead of being exploited by middlemen.

He was accompanied by Subukia Sub-County Administrator Roselyn Mutai, Sub-County Agricultural Officer Kenneth Muiruri, and other county officials.

Source: Kenya News Agency