
State Offers Ramadhan Food Donation In Tana River

The Principal Secretary Arid Lands and Semi-Arid Lands Mr. Idris Salim Dakota has directed state departments in Tana River county to offer vehicles to transport relief food to needy cases in remote locations.

Speaking yesterday at Lisa Hola School for the deaf Mr.Dakota however challenged local residents to fully exploit the potentials of River Tana waters through farming activities to reduce the cases of perennial food insecurity in the county.

Speaking at the same event Shekhe Obute Musa head of SUPKEM in Tana River County commended the National government for donating 320 bags of rice, 800 bags of beans,10 carton of cooking oil,one box of meat and fish respectively to the vulnerable families .

Shekhe Musa said the Organization has planned a program that each sub county to receive 64 bags of rice, the sub counties are Bangale, Tana River, Tana Delta, Tana North and Galdyetu.

However, Shekhe Musa said they are facing challenge when it comes to transport since the vehicles that are to be used for distribu
tion of food are broken down adding that they also lack enough funds to carry out the program.

He also said that the SUPKEM of Tana River County will ensure that all vulnerable families accessed the needed food to avert possible cases of hunger and starvation.

Tana River County Commissioner David Koske at the same time announced that all the sub counties were set to receive relief food especially during this holy month of Ramadhan

The Women representative Tana River County Ms. Amina Dika expressed her gratitude to the government saying, that good gesture was also witnessed when floods wreaked havoc in the area.

Source: Kenya News Agency