
Visually impaired student elected journalism student association vice president at UB

In a landmark victory, visually impaired student Njukang Princeley was elected Vice President of the University of Buea’s Association of Student Journalists (ASJUB).

The 21-year-old Journalism and Mass Communication student ran uncontested in the June 13th elections. Njukang’s primary motivation, he says, was to ‘realign the department’s training with the latest technological advancements.’

Njukang acknowledged the challenges he faced due to his disability. ‘Self-doubt crept in,’ he admits. ‘Would people accept me? Would they trust my competence?’

However, his proven track record is within the competence of the position. Njukang served as editor-in-chief of the University newspaper’s 2023 Matriculation Edition and has over two years of experience at the campus radio station, Chariot FM. He’s anchored live coverages of major university events and possesses a diverse skillset.

Looking ahead, Njukang and his team plan to launch a departmental website, initiate a community outreach program (‘ASJUB Impact Day’
), and advocate for a national forum for student journalists across Cameroon.

This news story highlights Njukang’s achievement and future goals while acknowledging the significance of his accomplishment for inclusivity within the student body.

Source: Cameroon News Agency