
Wajir Plants 5,000 Trees To Boost National Greening Campaign

A total of over 5000 trees were planted in various parts of Wajir County on Friday during a national tree planting exercise.

Wajir County Commissioner (CC) Karuku Ngumo led officers from the Kenya Defence Forces, the Kenya Forest Service, the Kenya Prison Service, the county government, and the private sector, among others.

The CC noted that the tree planting exercise that has taken place countrywide should not be construed as a simple planting activity but as the restart of a cultural revolution towards reinstating the values of society towards care and concern for others.

‘It should be more than just a public relations exercise, in which we plant, water, and walk away. This presidential initiative is a tree-growing exercise, following the green economy strategy,’ he said.

Speaking at Wajir Air Base, the administrator lauded the partners and residents of Wajir for teaming up with the Kenya Forest Service to plant trees and contribute towards environmental conservation.

Ngumo said the exercise was in lin
e with the president’s agenda of growing 15 billion trees by 2032.

‘Every individual has a responsibility to ensure that they take part in tree growing activities that will help mitigate the effects of climate change,’ he said.

He at the same time urged the private sector, especially corporations, to adopt and incorporate the tree planting programme into their respective corporate social responsibility activities, and to explore collaboration and partnership with communities to guarantee achievement of the county and national goals.

‘Where necessary, adopt innovative approaches such as adopting a recreational park, green space, estate, or institution of learning in addition to targeted social projects, and plant some trees,’ he urged.

On her part, Regional Forest Conservator Ambiya Osman emphasised the critical role of tree planting in mitigating the impacts of global warming.

She stressed that by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, trees play a crucial role in restoring ecological balance.

s. Osman urged individuals to embrace the initiative as a personal responsibility, highlighting its significance in securing a sustainable future for generations to come.

Brig. David Chesire echoed Ms. Osman’s sentiments, emphasising the importance of nurturing the planted saplings.

He urged citizens to provide regular care, including watering during dry spells and vigilant monitoring for pests and diseases.

Chesire underscored the collective effort required to ensure the success of such endeavours, emphasising that even small actions can yield significant results in building a better tomorrow.

Abdihakim Garad, the Operational Manager of Equity Bank in Wajir, reaffirmed the bank’s commitment to environmental stewardship, unveiling plans to plant a million trees in the coming years.

Garad emphasised the potential of collaborative action in addressing ecological challenges, expressing optimism about the positive impact of the initiative on Wajir’s future.

‘With a reported 99 per cent success rate, the tre
e planting exercise in Wajir County stands as a testament to the power of collective action in fostering a greener and more resilient environment for generations to come,’ said Garad.

Source: Kenya News Agency