
We Will Not Allow Anti-Government Demonstrations In Central Region, Vows Nyoro

Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro on Friday reiterated that the government will not allow leaders of the opposition to stage demonstrations in counties within the central region.

Nyoro termed the proposed anti-government demonstrations as actions meant to cause mayhem and destroy people’s property saying as leaders from the region, they will not allow any maandamano to take place.

Speaking as he distributed development cheques to various schools in his constituency, the legislator who is also chairperson of the parliamentary committee for budget castigated leaders allied to Azimio One-Kenya alliance saying their aim is to destabilise operations of the government.

Nyoro observed that chaos witnessed during the demonstrations on Wednesday where nine people died clearly indicated it was a pre-planned violence terming it unacceptable.

On Wednesday, anti-government demonstrations were witnessed in various counties leading to destruction of properties.

Nyoro claimed that the demonstrations which are being led by the opposition leader Raila Odinga are heavily financed and choreographed by some forces who want to destabilise the government.

He said the anarchy perpetrated by the leaders on Wednesday will be the last kind of violence that should be witnessed in any part of the country.

‘What the anarchists, the promoters of violence calling themselves the opposition, are purporting to be demonstrations, we have clearly seen that they are not demos but well organised violence.

‘People of the central region are business oriented and we will not allow demonstrators to destroy what we have invested. The leaders behind the violence should respect Kenyans and leave them to carry on with their daily activities,’ he added at Withaga Primary school.

The lawmaker alleged that the opposition leaders are sponsoring maandamano in efforts to get a stake in the government saying there will be no ‘handshake’ between the president and opposition leader.

‘Let them continue demonstrating, but I assure them there will be no coalition government between Kenya Kwanza and the opposition. They can continue with their picketing,’ he alluded.

Nyoro further termed the exercise of collecting signatures to oust President’s Ruto administration a futility saying Kenya Kwanza’s government was legally elected by majority of Kenyans.

He claimed that the so-called dynastic families are looking down on President Ruto because they felt he should not be holding the position.

Source: Kenya News Agency