
Woman barely escapes death after thorough beating by husband

A 27-year-old woman is fighting for her life at Narok County Referral Hospital after she was seriously assaulted by her husband on Sunday at their home in Mong’are estate, Narok town.

Narok County Police Commander Riko Ngare said the incident was reported by the couple’s 12-year-old daughter who found her father assaulting her mother with a fork jembe when she come back home from church.

The minor rushed to the police station to seek help for her mother, who was seriously bleeding, and she led the police officers to her home.

‘When the police arrived at the home, they found that the victim had already been rushed by neighbours to the hospital and the suspect had fled the scene,’ he said.

He added that the house appeared disorganized with house hold items scattered all over and blood stains on the floor, seat and table.

One broken wooden hoe handle with blood stains, suspected to be the weapon used by the suspect, was recovered at the scene and collected as exhibit.

When the police visited the victim at
the hospital, she had been admitted in serious condition after sustaining serious head injuries, a fractured right arm and bruises all over the body.

The police boss said they have launched a manhunt for the suspect by the name Julius Okemo, who is still at large.

Riko called on couples facing challenges in their marriages to seek guidance and counselling from professionals, close friends or religious institutions where they will be advised on the best way to sort out issues.

He condemned the incident saying the children are the ones who suffer most when their parents fight.

‘Your children have a bright future. Washing your dirty linen in front of your children could frustrate your children until they are adversely affected and unable to perform well in school,’ he added.

Source: Kenya News Agency