
Yaounde: WICUDA rescues girl abandoned in hospital

The Wimbum Cultural and Development Association, WICUDA, has rushed to the rescue of Nfor Laura, a young girl who was abandoned by a hospital for non-payment of bills in Yaoundé, Centre region.

On Saturday July 27, 2024, the girl’s sister shared a heart-touching video where maggots were seen coming out of her two legs.

She revealed that the girl had an accident and was taken to that hospital but she could not continue treatment because they had paid only FCFA 900,000 instead of 2 million required by the Saint Joseph Clinic in Mendong, Yaounde in the Centre region.

Unable to pay, the hospital abandoned the treatment and also detained them at the Clinic.

Alarmed by the precarious conditions seen in the video, executives from the Wimbum Cultural and Development Association in Yaoundé, accompanied by Wimbum Driver’s Union and WIYA Association stormed the Clinic to demand for justice and take charge of the situation.

Panic gripped hospital staff who later apologized for abandoning the girl.

CNA is informed t
hat treatment had commenced again after they stormed the premises.

‘The hospital were not happy and started shouting at the girl and her sister for sharing the video but when they saw the Wimbum crowd that came to the area, they instead apologized,’ a witness told CNA.

Early this week, the girl will be transferred to Bamenda Mbingo hospital in the North West region to continue treatment, CNA learned.

It was also revealed that Nfor Laura was hit by a truck belonging to refuse collection company, HYSACAM on June 3, 2024.

They gave her FCFA 300,000 for treatment but that has not been enough. The family funded her treatment until they couldn’t.

WICUDA will follow up the case with HYSAsomeone who has knowledge of the information said.

Meanwhile, there is nationwide contribution to help Nfor Laura pay her hospital bill.

Miss WICUDA was also at the hospital.

WICUDA USA is also contributing money to safe the girls life.

However some Lawyers from Mbumland have opted to seek legal measures on the matter as wel

Wimbum people are from Ndu and Nkambe Central subdivision in Donga Mantung division, North West region.

Source: Cameroon News Agency