General Science

Computing power Technology has established its position

Computing power Technology has already established its position in the digital era, in which almost every device and appliance being digitally controlled. The technology is here to stay for more as data science experts forecast that this computing infrastructure that we’re currently building will only improve for the better in the coming years. Mauritius news […]


Dozens Reportedly Killed In Islamic State Attack in Mali

Dozens of civilians were killed this week in a northern Malian town attacked by jihadists affiliated with the Islamic State group, a local elected official and the leader of an armed group told AFP Friday.It was the first time the town of Talataye, abo…


Disease Outbreak News: Yellow fever – East, West, and Central Africa (2 September 2022)

Situation at a glanceYellow fever is endemic in the WHO African Region and was among the top five most frequently reported events in the region in 2019 and 2020. Twenty-seven countries in Africa have been classified as high-risk by the Eliminate Yellow…