Microsoft, Education Ministry Partner In Tree-Planting Drive

The Ministry of Education, in partnership with Microsoft, have commemorated the Africa Climate Summit week at Mashuuru Boys’ High School through the planting of olive seedlings and educating students on sustainable measures for the environment.
Deputy Director of the Ministry of Education, Elizabeth Otieno, revealed that climate change has become a critical issue in the world, and the ministry is committed to ensuring Kenya will have a community that is well aware of how to conserve the environment.
‘The Ministry of Education is committed to being part of the larger community that is working to change our environment. The issues of climate change and global warming are on the agendas of the world, and Kenya, being part of these nations, is committed to making efforts to improve the environment,’ said Otieno.
Mrs. Otieno added that through education, Kenya is devoted to ensuring that the environment is safe for habitation and able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She said the ministry was grateful to Microsoft for bringing technological solutions to students.
‘Education is one item that has been centrally placed to bring about the very many changes and achievements that Kenya has committed itself to in terms of problem solving. I want to thank Microsoft for bringing up solutions for our learners to better develop their skills, competencies, and knowledge of environmental issues and how they can mitigate environmental effects within the environment as they grow up,’ said Otieno.
The principal of Mashuuru Boys’ High School, Mr. Solomon Kisemei, emphasised that in as much as the area was experiencing water shortages, they would ensure that the olive trees planted by the students, Microsoft, and the Ministry of Education would be taken care of.
‘We are very privileged to host this event. The environment is very close to our hearts because we know how it has affected us and our livelihoods. We are glad to be part of this journey, and we are willing to implement it for the latter. Despite the shortage of water, we will strive to ensure the 500 seedlings planted will survive,’ said Kisemei.
Mashuuru boys’ high school was also taken through the use of Minecraft in education.
Kamaku Felix, a Microsoft Innovative Educator expert/Fellow and a teacher at Mashuuru Boys, encouraged the government to embrace the Minecraft application as it is a problem solver and eases learning.
‘Minecraft is an amazing application that we are requesting the government adopt. We have seen how it can be used to solve problems. We have practically seen how we can solve poaching through building electric fences virtually; it is an amazing application,’ said Felix.
Joe Gaiku, a learning solutions specialist at Microsoft, revealed that Microsoft is keen on sustainability, making sure that the climate and environment are stable enough for the next generation, and using technology to create a safe environment.
‘We were looking at how we can preserve our environment, how we can bring in education to enlighten students on what is happening in our environment, and also how we can bring in solar panels or alternative sources of electricity or energy into our environment so that we can maintain a sustainable environment for generations to come,’ said Gaiku.

Source: Kenya News Agency